

Information of Mostar

On this page visitors will find the general information about Mostar. We included the general information page for this destination so that our visitors can inform themselves about cigarette prices, internet and SIM cards etc.

Cigarette prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cigarette prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cigarette prices in Bosna and Herzegovina are much lower than in EU countries. Cigarette prices in Bosnia range from 5 KM to 6 KM ( from 2.5 € to 3 €). It is important to point out that Herzegovina produces high quality tobacco called 'hercegovački ravnjak'. This tobacco received from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) from Geneva an international register of origin and this tobacco is protected by law and classified as unique variety of tobacco grown only in Herzegovina.

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Events in Mostar

Events in Mostar

Mostar is the city where numerous events are held during the year, however the best and most popular festivals are usually organized during summer, from May to August. Given that the number of visitors to the city of Mostar is increasing every year, number of festivals is constantly growing. Mostar events offer music, theater to cultural events and sports.

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The Economy of Mostar

The Economy of Mostar

The economic development of Mostar began during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Large factories were built, such as the aluminum plant, tobacco factory, Neretva hydropower plant, yarn and cotton factory, brown coal mine, etc. Industry employs a large number of workers and Mostar become the economic center of Herzegovina.

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Sports in Mostar

Sports in Mostar

The most popular sport in Mostar is football. The first football club in Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded in Mostar in 1905 - the Croatian football club Zrinjski was founded and it thus became the oldest football club in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Apart from Zrinjski, other clubs followed. The most famous club in Mostar is Velež, founded in 1922. In 1945 during communism, Zrinjski lost its work permit and Velež began to compete and was placed in the First Federal League of Yugoslavia in the 1952/53 season. Velež never won the title, it only ended up in the second place twice.

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