

Cigarette prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cigarette prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cigarette prices in whole Bosna and Herzegovina are much lower than in EU countries. Cigarette prices in Bosnia range from 5 KM to 6 KM ( from 2.5 € to 3 €).

It is important to point out that Herzegovina produces high quality tobacco called 'hercegovački ravnjak'. This tobacco received from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) from Geneva an international register of origin and this tobacco is protected by law and classified as unique variety of tobacco grown only in Herzegovina,

So this is about quality tobacco and a protected brand. Herzegovinian tobacco has been known in the past as well. It has been mentioned in Dubrovnik and Dalmatian trade books since the 17th century. It was also a favorite tobacco of the Ottoman sultans, and Austria-Hungarian empire also contributed to its great importance. Herzegovinian tobacco is far better than any industrial cigarette you can try. Popularly, Herzegovinian tobacco is known as "škija" and the price ranges from 25 KM to 30 KM for 1 kg (13 € - 15 € for 1 kg).

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