

Transportation of Split

On this page you will find all the necessary information related to transport in Split, including public transport, buses and taxis. You can choose the type of transport that suits you best.

The Public Transport

The Public Transport

The Public transport - Split has a well-organized public transport. Public transport in Split is divided into four zones. The first zone includes the city of Split. Zone two includes the town of Solin, Stobrec, Podstrana and Klis. Zone three includes Kaštela, Dugopolje, Dugi Rt. Zone four includes the cities of Trogir no. bus 37 and Omis no. bus 60You can buy a bus ticket from the driver or at the kiosks of Tisak or Slobodna Dalmacija. The price of a one-way ticket for adults for zone 1 is 11 kuna, zone 2 for zone 13 kuna, 3 zone 17 kuna, and for zone 4 the price is 21 kuna.

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Taxi in Split

Taxi in Split

In Split, taxi stands are located on every corner. If you decide for this mode of transport, you must pay attention to two things: the first is that you only use the services of a taxi association, not private individuals where the fare is twice as expensive, maybe even three. The other thing is then that taxi associations do not keep the same prices, so try to find a taxi consistent with your ability to pay.The price of one of the holdings in the summer period is 20 kuna start, each additional kilometer 10 kuna, luggage, per piece, 3 kuna. In winter, the starting price is 6 kuna, each additional kilometer 8 kuna, while luggage is not charged.

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