

Tourist map of Corso Buenos Aires

How to reach Corso Bueno Aires
Visitors may reach Buenos Aires on foot from the city center. It will take approx. 25 min. However, if they wish to use metro these are the following stops on the Bueno Aires boulevard:
Stop Porta Venezia (beginning of the boulevard); it’s on the Red line Metroploitana 1 (MM1)
Stop Lima (in the middle of the boulevard); it’s on the Red line Metroploitana 1 (MM1)
Stop Loreto (end of the boulevard); it’s on the Red line Metroploitana 1 (MM1)

Visitors may also use tram or bus lines depending on which part of the Buenos Aires boulevard they would like to exit:
Trams-5,33 (these trams stop at the beginning of the boulevard).
Buses-60, 81 (these buses intersect the boulevard in the middle), 90, 91, 92 (these buses stop at the end of the boulevard).

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