

Tourist map of San Giorgio Maggiore Island in Venice

How to reach San Giorgio Maggiore Island in Venice
Obviously, the island can be reached only by boat, that is by Venetian bus boats or vaporetto lines. The only vaporetto line that stops on the island is line number 2. The number 2 vaporetto line can be boarded on Pizzale Roma, anywhere along the the Grand Channel (since this line passes down this very-well known cannal) and at the St Marco- St Zaccaria vaporetto stop- next to St. Mark’s Square.
St Zaccaria vaporetto stop is maybe the most obvious choice for most visitors of the city, since it is located next to the famous St Mark’s Square. However, you need to pay attention while at the St Zaccaria stop- typical rafts where vaporetto boats dock, are used by one or two vaporetto lines, meaning that there are numerous similar rafts and only on one of them stops line 2. What usually confuses the tourists is that these docking rafts are spread probably over one kilometer of distance- meaning it is not one raft - one stop, but rather several rafts - one stop.

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