

Public Transport RUTER

Public Transport RUTER

Public transport in Oslo is very well organized.

The public system transport in Oslo and its suburbs is called the Ruter and it includes city buses, trams, regional buses, the metro, local train lines and ferries, but doesn’t include the Bigdøi ferry.
Tickets can be bought in Ruter ticket selling spots, but you can also download the RuterBillet app, which will ease the purchase process. The app allows you to buy all tickets with only showing the confirmation on your phone when needed. There are no night fares in Oslo, the ticket price is the same regardless of the time of day or night. If you plan on travelling by boat, you only pay an extra €2 for all zones of travel, whereas children and the elderly only pay an extra €1 only in zone 1.

The price depends on the zone you are travelling in, and there are four zones.
A ticket is valid for 60 minutes and the prices for adults are:

  • In zone 1 – around €3.5
  • In zone 2 – around €6
  • In zone 3 – around €8.5
  • In zone 4 – around €10
  • All zones – around €13
  • Once you activate a ticket in a particular zone, it lasts for 60 minutes and you can change modes of transport in that particular zone;
  • The 24hr pass costs around €1 for a particular zone, and the ticket to travel in all zones for 24hrs costs around €25;
  • A seven-day pass for a particular zone costs around €31, and travelling all zones for seven days will cost you around €75.
The metro, called the T-ban, has six lines and all of them are connected to the city.

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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