

NTNU University Museum

NTNU University Museum

The NTNU University Museum (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) is located in the center of Trondheim and is one of six Norwegian university museums with natural and cultural-historical collections and exhibits. The museum consists of exhibitions, collections, the museum administration and two institutes. The history of the museum dates back to the Royal Norwegian Society for Science and Writing, from 1760

The museum has been closely associated with the University of Trondheim since 1968, then with NTNU since 1996. It has research and administrative responsibilities over archeology and biology in central Norway. With that in mind, the museum is doing research projects and collaborating with other university museums in digitizing the collected works and creating databases. Some of the museum's exhibits are on display in wooden buildings in Kalvskinnet, and the Alpine Garden and Botanical Garden in Ringve are also managed by the NTNU University Museum.

In 2010, the Norwegian Museum Union named the NTNU University Museum "Norwegian Museum of the Year".

The Department of Archeology and History of Culture studies prehistoric, historical and maritime archeology. This department consists of laboratories, archeological collections and corpora, while the natural history department is focused on research in biogeography, biosystematics and ecology, focusing on the preservation of biology. They are responsible for building and maintaining the museum’s natural history collections, including botanical gardens

Ticket price for the museum
Regular ticket price 10 €

Museum opening hours
From Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 4pm
on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 4pm

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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