

Sukker - the sugar shop

Sukker - the sugar shop

Sukker Sugar Boutique was founded by local designers and craftsmen in 2005. The location of the Sukker boutique is beautiful in one word! It is located in Bakklandet, in one of the wooden houses and you will recognize it by its yellow facade. It offers clothes, jewelry, bags, ceramics, paintings, graphics, interior details, wooden products and much more. If you are looking for a unique gift, we recommend Sukker.

The store is run by the designers themselves, and in the store, visitors can meet those who have made the products for sale, although you can also find products from some other Norwegian designers here.

Working hours:
Friday: 3pm -6pm
Saturday: 11am - 4pm
Sunday: 11am - 4pm

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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