

The Murillo Garden

The Murillo Garden

The Murillo Garden represents one of the most beautiful green spaces in Seville. As part of the cultural significance of the city of Seville, the garden was declared in 2002, and is located in the town of Santa Cruz. In order to fix the roads, the Spaniards worked on demolishing the old walls and building better roads that would connect one part of the city with another. The link with the old walls were often the avenues that made the Historical circle. The monk Alfonso XIII gave the area where the Murillo Gardens are located to the city council of Seville.

Before the creation of the green area, the old walls were demolished. The demolition of the wall in 1911 led to the merger of the southeastern neighborhood of Santa Cruz with the Historical Circle. The gardens were named after the painter Muruilj. The beautiful garden occupies an area of ​​8,500 square meters. It is surrounded by 5 roundabouts, one of which was named after the painter Jose García Ramos, decorated with tiles by the designer Juan Talavera Y Hereda. To get to the gardens, go through Plaza Alfaro and Plaza de los Refinadores.

The gardens are arranged with paved paths and rows of trees where the wall extends. What adorns the garden is a monument to Christopher Columbus. Also, oelanders offer a special experience.
Basta is located near the Alcazar fortress. A walk in the garden is very relaxing

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

Photo by Michael Martinelli on Unsplash

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