

Saint Nicholas Church

Saint Nicholas Church

The Church of Saint Nicholas is considered the oldest stone building in Stockholm, built in 1264. There is a grand hall, high vaults and a number of benches for believers. The Church of Saint Nicholas is the main cathedral in the country, and to this day, the coronation of Swedes monarch has been held there. The church is decorated for certain holidays, but in a specific way. For example, there are displays from the Bible during Christmas holidays. At times, there are organ music concerts which are special because they contribute to a certain atmosphere. 

  • the Church (Cathedral) of Saint Nicholas, there are the Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Library.
The bell tower is built of bricks, and the walls are plastered in white and yellow. The exterior of the Church of Saint Nicholas was considerably altered in 1740. The architect Johan Eberhard Carlberg designed the reconstruction. There are international works of art in the cathedral, some of them are:
  • Saint George and the Dragon sculpture. It was sculpted by Bernt Notke. The statue is devoted to the Battle of Brunkeberg that occurred in 1471.
  • The main altar is called the Silver altar – it depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by sculptures of John the Baptist and other saints.
  • A copy of the Vädersolstavlan/ The sun dog painting (1535) is also exhibited in the church. It is a work of the known clergyman, Olaus Petri.
Entrance to the Church of Saint Nicholas is FREE.

Author of the article:

Maja Glavaš,tour guide
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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