

The Public Transport

The Public Transport

Public transport- Vienna is a city in which public transport is well organized, and transport tickets are generally affordable to passengers. Vienna public transport includes the bus, underground, tram and train and a ticket covers all of the aforementioned. This efficient kind of transportation enables local citizens to perform their tasks fast, and it gives tourists easy access to all parts of Vienna in order to get to know it better.When it comes to the underground (subway) system, there are 6 subway lines and these are: U1 red, U2 purple, U3 orange, U4 green and U6 brown. The first subway zone was established in 1976, and the oldest one is U4 green, whereas the longest one is U6 brown.

Even up to the farthest points in Vienna, the annual ticket price is 365 euros, that is, 1 euro per day. It is unlimited in all zones.
Apart from the annual tickets, there are also one-day, two-day, three-day, weekly and monthly tickets. One, two and three-day tickets function by the principle of time, when you load your ticket, it is valid for 24h and it costs 8 euros , 48h costs 14.10 euros and 72h costs 17.10 euros.
These are valid for all types of public transport and directions in the city zones.
A weekly ticket can only be used from Monday to Monday , regardless of the time when you took it in a week and it costs 17.10 euros.
On monthly tickets, it is written for what month it is valid, they should be loaded each time you enter a vehicle and they cost 51 euros.
A single ticket costs 2.40 euros.

It is good to buy the Vienna card with which you can use all public transport for free, and there are also some discounts there when you visit important sights, museums, galleries, restaurants and similar things. You can buy it for one, two or three days. However, there are some other tickets for tourists that are divided by hours and days and which encompass some other conveniences while you’re in Vienna.

At most subway stations there are machines where you can buy a ticket. You can buy tickets at kiosks and through mobile apps, as well. You can also buy a ticket in a tram or in a bus, but it is more expensive that way. You can buy tickets on the Internet, as well, and that is on this link.
All tickets need to be verified before entering, and that is done at blue machines at the entrance to subway stations, as well as buses and trains. The only tickets that don’t need to be verified are the ones that you buy from a driver.
Ticket inspections in transport are very frequent, and the penalty for not having a ticket can reach 100 euros.

Author of the aricle

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

photo credit: Arthur V.

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