

The Public Trasport

The Public Trasport

Public Transport – All parts of the city are well-connected by regular bus transport. You can buy a ticket from the driver of the bus, which costs 15kn, whereas kiosks sell tickets at a price of 12kn. You can also buy bus tickets in tourist agencies, as well as at some hotels’ front desks. The ticket is valid for an hour after your first bus ride and in that time you can ride as many buses as you want. You can also buy a card in Libertas kiosks which can be used for 24hrs, starting from when you punch it in for the first time. This ticket costs 30kn. Local buses are numbered for easier orientation.

Author of the text:

Ana Lazarević -  our correspondent for Dubrovnik
Contact: [email protected]

photo credit: Hobi Industri

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