

The Sacher-Torte

The Sacher-Torte

The Sacher cake in Vienna is not only a delicious cake, but the Sacher cake is a lifestyle of royal Vienna. The cake was first made in 1832, when Prince von Metternich made an order to his apprentice Franz Sacher to prepare a delicious cake for his guests. Since the chef was sick, this apprentice Sacher had to do all the work, who was inexperienced but under a great pressure to fulfill the Prince’s wish, so he made the most delicious Austrian cake of all times, with really simple ingredients, not even imagining that this would soon become a cake famous all over the world.

The cake is made of chocolate, apricot jam and cream. The son of Franz Sacher, Eduard became proficient in creating the recipe for the cake, and he graduated from a gastronomy school. It can be said that Eduard Sacher is the one because of whom this cake gained such popularity, with his father as its creator. At the end of XIX and beginning of XX century, the cake was offered for the first time outside the palace in a confectionery under the name of “Demel” , which exists even today and which is the carrier of long tradition of the Sacher cake selling. Later, a hotel named “Sacher” was opened, where the main specialty was this cake. After this hotel was opened, Eduard Sacher, who opened it, went bankrupt, so he found a job in the confectionery “Demel” and there he made and sold the cake called “Eduard Sacher cake”.

This hotel was later re-opened and there the sale and the production was continued , with the name of the cake being “The original Sacher cake”. It is best to try this cake in the historical hotel “Sacher”.

Apart from the hotel, almost all confectioneries and cafes in Vienna have the Sacher cake. It is known that the original recipe is an old secret that is strongly kept. Still, Viennese confectioners make it equally good as Eduard Sacher

Author of the aricle

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

photo credit: Sanja Borkovic

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