

Italian Restaurant Frati

Italian Restaurant Frati

Frati Restaurant is an Italian restaurant located in the center of Trondheim, founded in 1973 by Palo Minervini. It has been serving the local population and all visitors from abroad for more than 40 years. Recognizable for its irresistible dinners and great wines where there is a relaxed atmosphere and good energy. Kitchen inspired by olives, tomatoes and pasta, spiced with a smile. Everyone is welcome in this family restaurant, and the kindness of the staff is amazing. Everything is subordinated to you in an authentic Italian restaurant.

Prices for individual dishes on the menu are around €20
The multi-course menu is around €30 - €50, sometimes more.

Working hours from Monday to Saturday, 11:00h - 23: 0h, Sunday 13:30h - 22:00h.

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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