

The Ouzoud Falls

The Ouzoud Falls

Ouzoud Falls are the second largest waterfalls in Africa, formed in Mount Atlas, and are also a large habitat for macaque monkeys. Enjoyment is guaranteed. Ouzoud waterfalls are located about 100 kilometers northeast of Marrakech, they flow into the gorge of the river El-Abid. Ouzoud waterfalls are about 110 m high, and are located near the village of Tanaghmeilt in Mount Atlas.

The name of the waterfall actually comes from the Berber culture which means "the act of grinding grain". Visitors can walk around the waterfall, enjoying the view of the macaque monkeys. At the bottom, there are rafts for adventure hikers. A trip to the Ouzoud falls is perfect for enjoying the wonders of nature and the serenity of cascading waterfalls. The walk to the waterfalls is very pleasant surrounded by thousands of olive trees.

On the hottest days, tourists can swim in the pools at the bottom of the waterfall. The water is very clean, but it is very cold so we leave it to only the bravest to try it.

photo credit: Riccardo Mion

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