

Ticket prices for public transport

Ticket prices for public transport

It is best to buy tickets for any type of transportation in Lisbon online, rather than in transport, because in that case they are cheaper. Tourists are advised to buy a daily pass that they will use every day for as many days as they stay in Lisbon. A daily pass costs € 6. There is a possibility of using a zapping pass which is a card that is topped up and on which there is a certain amount of money, and transportation with this card is paid only when using a means of transport and there is no time limit for its use as with other cards. For example: a bus ride costs € 1.25, a train € 1.80. The minimum top-up amount on the card is € 5.00, and the maximum € 40.00.

The metro starts in the morning at 6.30 am to 1 am. In addition to being the fastest mode of transportation, it is the easiest and cheapest. The one-way metro costs around € 2.00. Daily ticket € 6.50. Return ticket by funicular - € 5.00.

The two most popular ferry lines in Lisbon are Terreiro do Paco to Montojo and Terreiro do Paco to Barreiro. The price of a one-way ferry is € 2.75, return is € 5.50.

A one-way bus ticket costs € 1.80.
A return tram ticket costs € 2.85.

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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