

Tourist map of Kranjska Gora

You may reach Kranjska Gora By bus - From Slovenia you can get to Kranjska Gora by the road Ljubljana-Kranj-Jesenice-Kranjska Gora. 

By car - From Slovenia you get to Kranjska Gora by the road Ljubljana-Kranj-Jesenice-Kranjska Gora, from Austria from Villach through the Korensko sedlo border crossing or through the Karavanke tunnel, and from Italy through the Rateče border crossing.

By train/bus - The nearest train station is in Jesenice, where buses take you to Kranjska Gora 20 kilometres away from Jesenice, a half an hour trip. There are also railway stations in Tarvisio in Italy and in Villach in Austria. From there, you can continue the route by taxi, since none of the stops is more than 20 kilometres away.

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