
Sri Lanka:

Tourist map of Yala Safari park

How to arrive to Yala safari park in Sri Lanka
In order to reach the Yala safari park it is much better to first reach the city of Tissamaharama and agree with your driver to be picked up here. All safari agencies and drivers are anyways located her and there is no additional cost involved if you decide to be picked up here. Therefore, there is no sense in paying for a tuck-tuck ride to the entrance to the Yala National Park unless you have already rented a car.

Address of Yala national park: No: 380/97, Sarana Road, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka.

How to arrive to Tissamaharama
In order to reach city Tissamaharama visitors may use public transport. There is a bus 32 that goes from Colombo every hour to Kataragama. The bus starts at Colombo and drives all along the south coast.
The regular ticket price from Hikkaduwa beach to Tissamaharama is 250 LRK per person.
(!) Warning. Please bear in mind that all manner of ‘service providers’ tend to be operating there or simply people who tend to overcharge you for their own gain so you’ ll be well advised ‘to shop around’ a bit for reasonable rates that you find affordable.  Some bus conductors may charge you higher fares, for example, from Hikkaduwa, we were asked to pay 750 LRK per person, but on our way back we were asked for 250 LRK per person.
Visitors can also rent a car without a driver – the price is approx. from 20 € to 30 € per day.
Renting a car with a driver - approx. 50 € per day
Visitors may also rent a scooter or simply take a tuk tuk depending how far they are from Tissamaharama or Yala.

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