

The Vienna Opera Ball

The Vienna Opera Ball

The Viennese ball- How is it possible to anyone to not come to Vienna and enjoy it all over again? Music and dance are a tradition that has been cherished in this town year in year out. The balls of doctors, of police officers, confectioners and of course the most popular and prestigious one is the one that is held in Wiener Staatsoper- the Vienna State Opera.Royal Austria is the country of balls, and the Viennese ball is held every year in February in the State Opera.

It is known that Vienna is a cultural and musical capital of Europe, and being such, for the last 150 years, this Viennese ball has been held in it. In 1815, a political gathering was held, known under the name of The Viennese Congress. Everything started when the members of the court opera appeared on the ceremony dedicated to holding the Congress. In 1877, the ball was officially held for the first time, and since 1935, the ball has carried the name of the Opera ball.

Events, music, gowns and guests make this Viennese ball in the State Opera one of the most significant and grandiose manifestation, not only in Austria, but in the whole world, as well. The same Viennese ball has been held in 30 countries of the world, because of the great excitement over the original. The balls bring the feeling of good mood.

The Viennese Ball is a symbol of power, glamour and especially wealth. The reservation of the table at the ball costs 1000 euros. The cheapest ticket is 300 euros, and the most expensive one with a lodge sometimes over 20000 euros.

Author of the aricle

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

photo credit:Macau Photo Agency

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