

The Čelegi Tower

The Čelegi Tower

The Čelegi tower is the only one that has been completely preserved, of the five original towers that are located on the northern parapet wall of the Maribor fortress. It is known as the Black Tower, and it got its name from the famous Maribor brewery Čelegi. The tower was built in the 15th century, more precisely between 1460 and 1465. It is built of stone and has a rectangular - square shape. It was built with modern residential blocks. At the corner of Gregoričeva Street and Gledališka Street, there is the Gambrinus building, which was named after the king of Filandria, Gabrinus, who invented the process of brewing beer, and which is connected to the tower.

Autor of the article:

Bojana Pantić - correspondent for the city of Maribor

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