

The Donner Fountain

The Donner Fountain

The “Donner” fountain was made by Georg Rafael Donner, and it was built in 1793. This baroque fountain, of a very beautiful appearance, became widely popular among tourists in 1995 after Generation X’s film “Before Sunrise” with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. When the fountain was built under the reign of Empress Maria Theresa, it was deemed unsuitable for the public because it contained much nudity. An artist Johann Martin got the task to redo the fountain, what was done in 1801. Instead of destroying it, as the plan was, he altered it and renewed it. He thought that the fountain had its value and its artistic expression.

The middle part of the fountain represents the allegory of providence , which is the “caring and wise” the then city government. This may not be true, some say that this is a made-up story, and that the providence predicts great water supplies for Vienna. Through the other figures on the fountain, some Austrian rivers are represented.
The youth of Vienna used to gather at this place, and today it is a place where many tourists all around the world gather. The fountain is very attractive. You are sure to take a good photograph at the “Donner” fountain.

Author of the aricle

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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