

The Port of Trondheim

The Port of Trondheim

If you are staying in Trondheim, it is impossible to miss sightseeing of the old wooden piers along Nidelva river. The oldest piers were built in 1700 on both sides of the river, and the best preserved ones are on the side of Bakklandet. Fishermen, merchants, and craftsmen once lived here, and they had one-story houses that were simple in appearance. Today, in addition to private houses in this part, you can see art galleries, local cafes, restaurants, as well as shops that are specific for their goods that you cannot find anywhere else.

The piers tell their history. Cargo ships for unloading and loading goods came here for years, and merchants came from all over the world. In the time of King Sverre, piers were also used as a defense against the enemy. Along the banks, on both sides of the river Nidelva, there are some of the oldest buildings preserved from the 18th century.
You have to feel the piers. They give you peace, fresh air and a variety of colors. Impressive.

Bucklandet Skidsstation - a cafe that was named "The most charming cafe in Scandinavia" in 2012, by a traveling nomad of National Geographic - Andrew Evans.
The fishing season is mostly from June to August, and then you can also try to catch some salmon yourselves.

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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