
New York City:

The Wall Street

The Wall Street

Wall Street is a Manhattan street that stretches eastern from Broadway to South Street on the East River. It is home to the New York Stock exchange. There is the heart of American economy. It was named after a mud wall that was built by Dutch immigrants in 1653 in order to defend themselves from the English. Many international banks are located here, as well as headquarters of state and borough securities traders, insurance and brokerage agencies.

Men in suits with briefcases in their hands can be seen everywhere hurrying. This is the real America. A huge lifestyle contrast can be seen in Wall Street. On one side you have rich brokers, the so-called ‘yappies’ who, because of the money chase and fast lifestyles, literally do not see the beggars in the Wall Street area.

A bull is the area’s trademark. There is a large bronze statue honoring financial optimism as we as economic prosperity that the Americans are famous for. There are a large number of banks on Wall Street that were among the first to be open in America. Among many others there is the first New York Bank, an imposing building, that has a sign "Number one", which means that it is the first bank on Wall Street. Wall Street means power, strength, readiness – it all perfectly describes brokers in this street.

Rubbing the bull's horns and nose brings good luck, and the bravest climb this giant sculpture in order to get a good photo or some financial luck.

Author of the article:

Marijana Niković tour guide for Montenegro
For guided tours please contact:
(Viber) 00382 68 230 241

photo credit:Vandan Patel

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