

The Old Bridge

The Old Bridge

The Old Bridge - In 1557, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent "ordered" the construction of the Old Bridge to replace the then existing old suspension bridge. Its construction took nine years. Only legends about the construction of this bridge have been preserved, and one of them is about its builder Hajrudin - it is written that the bridge was built under threat of death, in case the bridge is not completed properly. And so, in fear, for a full nine years.

The old bridge is one of the greatest architectural achievements of its time, and all other information about its construction is a "mystery". The bridge has a pronounced arch 4 m wide, 30 m long and 24 m high. Tenelia is the name of the local stone from which this arch is made. Instead of a foundation, the bridge stands on limestone abutments 6.53 m high. The bridge was demolished in the last war in 1993, and its demolition was ordered by BiH Army General Arif Pasalic. He demanded that its demolition be recorded and that the recordings be published in the media. These shots caused general chaos. After a series of battles and proving who was actually to blame for the demolished bridge, the Bosnian or Croat side, the Trial Chamber decided that the HVO (Croatian Defense Council) demolished the bridge to stop the Muslim army. It was also concluded that the bridge had been demolished by shelling by the HVO.

The bridge was renovated in 2004 and today represents a UNESCO cultural heritage site. Since 1968, jumping from the Old Bridge has been organized every year under the auspices of various domestic and foreign sponsors.

Historical sources say that it has been jumped since its first construction. Young people prove their "masculinity" by jumping from a height of over 20 meters into the icy water, although in recent years more and more women / girls who decide to do something like that. The bridge in its restored form represents Islamic architecture with its two fortified towers of Helebija and Tara.

The Old Bridge Museum is located on the east side of the bridge. The museum exhibits various photographs, mostly from the war period. There is also an entrance to the underground excavations that you can visit.

Ticket price for the Old Bridge Museum
The regular ticket price is 5 KM

Author of the aricle

Amila Hasečić - contact: [email protected]

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