
Buenos Aires:

The Fugazza - Argentinian pizza

The Fugazza - Argentinian pizza

Fugazza – Argentine pizza. Even though the fugazza may seem to be just another type of pizza among many, the truth is completely different. Let us begin: the crust of this pizza is up to a centimeter thick, which on its own differentiates it from other pizzas. The main topping on this pizza is cheese, and if the pizza isn’t completely covered with cheese, it is not a fugazza. other common toppings include spicy pork sausage, ham and peppers, vegetables and Béchamel sauce.

Some of the typical pizzas served in Argentina:

Pizza Fugazzeta
Apart from the cheese that it usually boasts, this type of pizza also consists of onions and a lot of frech mozzarella.

Pizza Muzza
This is a typical Argentine pizza, topped with cheese and tomato sauce and with added olives and oregano.

Pizza a la Piedra
This type of pizza is the closest to Italian pizza. It is baked in a wood-burning stove and the crust is significantly thinner than that of a Fugazza. It is topped with a lot of tomato sauce and, of course, is absolutely covered in cheese.

photo credit: Nicolas Perondi

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